2021, Number 2
The pedagogical preparation of new teachers in education at work in Stomatology
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 497-508
PDF size: 214.94 Kb.
This research was developed at the University of Medical Sciences with the participation of the authorities of the institution, teachers and students of the Faculty of Stomatology, with the purpose of characterizing the pedagogical preparation of new teachers who teach education at work in the course Comprehensive Family Care II and the impact it has on the learning of students in the fourth year of the degree. It was necessary to identify the qualities of the novice university professor for the proper development of learning in students, therefore, the strengths and weaknesses of their preparation were analyzed, as well as the proposals of dimensions and indicators to analyze them. Therefore, the study was justified by its theoretical knowledge, social relevance and the benefits it generates. Finally, the academic process allowed to conclude that the diagnosis of the initial state of the professional preparation of the new teacher, for the development of education at work, is poor and knowledge about it is scarce, because the activities do not They are organized in an appropriate way and do not meet the needs of students in terms of their personal, academic and professional development.REFERENCES
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