2021, Number 2
Nutritional status, distribution of food events and physical activity in university students in Camagüey
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 455-470
PDF size: 374.63 Kb.
Introduction: The educational promotion on healthy eating habits and the practice of physical activity in university students constitutes an effective strategy for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases. For this, it is necessary to specify specific educational requirements for this population sector.Objective: To characterize the nutritional status, the distribution of food events and physical activity in the students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Camagüey.
Method: Descriptive correlational cross-sectional study, in a sample of 67 students, during 2019. Statistical data processing was performed with the Statgraphics Centurion XVI software, version 16.2.04. A Multivariate Analysis allowed determining the strength of association between the variables studied: Sex, Academic year, Body mass index (BMI), Distribution of eating events, Physical activity index and Time sitting.
Results: 76.12 % of the evaluated students presented a healthy weight, of them, only 23.88 % referred to carrying out programmed physical activity in their free time, for 150 minutes per week.
Conclusions: The university students studied presented a healthy nutritional state, characterized by omitting food events, mainly breakfast. The levels of physical activity programmed in free time are low, regardless of the fact that the majority presented levels of physical activity between medium and high.
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