2020, Number 3
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Rev Med UAS 2020; 10 (3)
Main cardiovascular malformations in children of diabetic mothers
Martinez-Garcia J, Vega-Meza JM, Martinez-Felix NS, Inzunza-Manjarrez G, Quibrera-Matienzo JA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 118-126
PDF size: 97.16 Kb.
Objectives: To compare the frequency of congenital heart disease in children of a diabetic mother and children of a non-diabetic
mother at the Civil Hospital of Culiacan.
Material and methods: (n = 50) newborn babies born to a diabetic mother and (n = 50)
newborn babies born to a non-diabetic mother were evaluated by cardiology, performing a Doppler echocardiogram during the 1st
week of life. The frequency of congenital heart disease in these two groups was compared.
Results: Some type of congenital heart
disease was diagnosed in 78% (n = 39) of the children of a diabetic mother, while in the group of non-diabetic mothers some type of
heart disease was reported in 10% (n = 5). With statistical significance of (p = 0.000). The risk of congenital heart disease in the child
of a diabetic mother was OR: 31.9 CI = 10.2-99.8.
Conclusions: Children of diabetic mothers have a higher percentage of predisposition
to present congenital heart disease due to the known action of insulin, which acts as a primary anabolic last.
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