2022, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (08)
Feltal inflamatory response syndrome: Pathophysiology, outcomes, and prenatal ultrasound study
Molina-Giraldo S, Franco TRV, Torres-Valencia N
Language: Spanish
References: 103
Page: 664-681
PDF size: 289.48 Kb.
Objetive: To provide the reader with ample and sufficient information about this
syndrome, with emphasis on the recognition of fetal multiorgan damage, to provide tools
to establish a timely diagnosis and reduce fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Methodology: Retrospective study based on the search in PubMed, EBSCO and
Ovid databases from 2016 to 2021 of review articles, original research, practice guidelines
and protocols. In addition, classic articles and those corresponding to manual
searches to achieve contextualization of the points discussed.
Results: When infection reaches the fetus, a proinflammatory response with cytokine
secretion unfolds, which are the basis for the diagnosis of fetal inflammatory response
syndrome. When this response to infection is deregulated, it ends up generating
multiorgan damage that can be recognized by means of noninvasive tools, such as
advanced fetal ultrasound. This recognition allows initiating timely care in order to
reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality rates.
Conclusion: Microbial infection of the amniotic cavity and fetus, with subsequent
generation of fetal inflammatory response syndrome, is associated with multiorgan
damage that can be recognized on advanced ultrasound and achieve optimal care
and better perinatal outcomes.
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