2022, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (08)
Arterial blood gas parameters in pregnant patients with severe preeclampsia
Vázquez-Rodríguez JG, Ortíz-Vargas VA, Díaz-Aguilar FA, Chablé-Chan FG, Serrano-Rodríguez J, Arredondo-Andrade SA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 639-646
PDF size: 212.85 Kb.
Objective: To determine and interpret arterial blood gas values in pregnant patients
with severe preeclampsia.
Materials and Methods: study carry out in a series of 30 patients with a pregnancy
20 weeks and an established diagnosis of SP admitted to the Intensive Care
Unit from July 1 to December 31, 2019, in whom arterial blood gases are part of the
routine studies upon admission to the ICU. Patients with recurrence of preeclampsia,
eclampsia and HELLP syndrome or with metabolic, respiratory, cardiological and
renal morbidities affecting arterial blood gas values were excluded. The general data,
obstetric condition, clinical laboratory and arterial blood gas values were documented
from the clinical records. Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics were used with the
statistical package SPSS version 20.
Results: Thirty patients were studied, with a mean age of mean age 31.6 ± 6.85
years, median parity 1, all with a single product of 33.89±3.43 weeks and residence
in Mexico City 31.37 ± 7 years. Arterial blood gas values were: pH 7.41 ± 0.08, PCO
25.51 ± 6.12 mmHg, PO
2 85.24 ± 41.81 mmHg, Hct 33.86 ± 7.51%, HCO
3- 16.95
± 5.13 mmol/L, HCO
3- std 19.04 ± 2.50 mmol/L, TCO
2 16.94 ± 2.51 mmHg, BE ecf
-7.72 ± 5.60 mmol/L, BE (B) -7.36 ± 3.07 mmol/L, SO
2c% 93 ± 8.29%, THbc 10.64 ±
2.36 g/dL, Aa DO
2 49.43 ± 10.98 mmHg, pAO
2 140.43 ± 106.93 mmHg, PaO
0.79 ± 0.28 mmHg and Respiratory Index 0.95 ± 2.57.
Conclusions: The results correspond to a gasometric pattern of compensated
metabolic acidosis.
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