2022, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (08)
Teenage pregnancy. Analysis of birth rate in Peru and its relationship with the Human Development Index
Román-Lazarte VE, Fernández-Fernández MF, Huanco-Apaza DD
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 629-638
PDF size: 231.05 Kb.
Objective: To determine the frequency of pregnancies through the live birth rate
in the 15-19 age group and its association with the Human Development Index
(2016 to 2021).
Materials and Methods: Observational, ecological, exploratory, and correlational
study carried out based on information from the Online Live Birth Certificate Registration
System and the Human Development Index, which are data by department, provinces
and municipalities. All women residing in Peru with a newborn between 2016 and
2021 were included. The data recorded were total newborns by department, region,
province and district, divided by age groups from 15 to 19 years. Linear regression and
Pearson correlation were used for data analysis.
Results: In the study period, 2,843,903 births were registered, of which 324,654
(11.41%) corresponded to women under 20 years of age. In 2017, the highest number
of births was recorded in this age group (n = 58,841). In 2016, the highest percentage
of births to teenagers was 12.36% and the lowest (10.51%) was recorded in 2020.
Conclusion: The percentage of pregnant adolescents decreased slightly in recent
years, although there was a slight increase in 2021, especially in the jungle region,
which has the highest proportion compared to the others. The provincial and municipal
human development index is inversely related to the proportion of teenage
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