2021, Number 2
Emotional dependence: a problem in psychology and other humanistic sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 269-286
PDF size: 159.81 Kb.
Introduction: the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934) theorist of the historical-cultural approach with his proposal to elaborate a materialist-dialectic psychological theory and practice are considered.Objective: to assess emotional dependence with its causes and associated factors based on the theoretical appreciation of the authors about its diagnosis, orientation, education, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
Methods: a bibliographic review on emotional dependence was carried out by the SciELO and Google scholar databases with a predominance of the last 5 years, with a multicausal, multidisciplinary, eminently psychological, integrationist view of Cuban psychology and the historical-cultural school of Vygotsky, consistent with the psychobiological, socio-economic-cultural in interaction with the qualitative-quantitative and the clinical-epidemiological.
Development: multiple disciplines of the humanistic sciences were referenced, with the leadership of psychology and the Vigotskian axiom: "... beyond the human potentialities to adapt to the environment, there are the transforming possibilities of the human being"; Instrumented tools were recognized, turned into psychological processes, protectors of people with emotional dependence.
Conclusions: the prevention of emotional dependence and its control is valued through the Vigotskian school which is based on the stimulation of the zone of proximal development and on the explanation of the social situation of development, regulated by socio-cultural activities with its natural base in the nervous system, that is governed by functional organs, without biological transmission, with implications of psychoneuroimmunology, from which it is a matter of solving the mind-body dilemma related to the subject.
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