2021, Number 2
Successes and mistakes of the course Reasoned Therapeutics in the Medicine degree
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 159-171
PDF size: 159.36 Kb.
Background: the Reasoned Therapeutics course included in plan D of the Medicine degree in 4th year is relevant and useful for future graduates of the Medicine degree.Objective: to assess the feasibility, relevance, strengths and weaknesses of the Reasoned Therapeutics course in the study program from the fulfillment of its objectives.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences in 2019. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; empirical ones: documentary analysis and interviews with fourth-year medical students and their professors.
Results: positive elements were identified: development of reasoning skills, being based on pillars according to the Good Prescription Guidelines, promoting the integration of various treatments and personalizing the therapy to be applied. It made possible to develop bibliographic search skills, use of information and communication technologies and contributed to the rational use of drugs. The simultaneous location of the course with the Pediatrics subject was considered a weakness as it interfered with the integration of teaching topics. The teachers provided positive criteria about the course; while some students expressed demotivation when considering that the prescription process was too fragmented in the first activities of the workshop classes.
Conclusions: Reasoned Therapeutics was considered a necessary, pertinent and feasible course, although it presented weaknesses in terms of location in the curriculum that could be modified in order to achieve greater integration and motivation of the students.
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