2021, Number 2
Image gallery of the female reproductive system for practical study of Human Anatomy
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 146-158
PDF size: 255.05 Kb.
Background: teaching aids designed using the tools of information and communication technologies are learning resources widely used in medical sciences degrees.Objective: to create a gallery of anatomical images of the female reproductive system as an alternative teaching aid.
Methods: a developmental investigation was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine of Benguela Katyavala Bwila University, Angola, in 2018. Theoretical methods were used to support the research and empirical ones: interview with experts and documentary analysis.
Results: the experts unanimously believed that the lack of teaching aids is a factor that hinders the learning and achievement of skills in students. The documentary review made possible to determine the main skills to be acquired by the students and consequently the selection of images to be used in the product. The following were part of the gallery: photographic, radiographic, ultrasound images and drawings of the female external and internal genitalia.
Conclusions: an image gallery was created as an alternative teaching aid, which was valued by the experts consulted as pertinent, useful and feasible due to its scientific and pedagogical nature, it strengthens the motivation of the students by allowing them to build knowledge in order to achieve a comprehensive academic training.
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