2021, Number 2
Methodology to carry out the teaching ward round in English in medical care institutions
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 51-69
PDF size: 174.08 Kb.
Background: the teaching ward round in English is a modality of in-service training where the application of the clinical method and the skills of the medical profession are consolidated.Objective: to design a methodology on the teaching ward round in English in medical care institutions for fifth-year medical students.
Methods: a descriptive-qualitative study was carried out at Holguín University of Medical Sciences from 2015 to 2019. A dialectical-materialist approach was followed and theoretical level methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; and empirical ones: questionnaire to teachers, observation to teaching ward rounds, documentary analysis and the criteria of specialists.
Results: the main difficulties were mainly related to ignorance of organizational procedures and inappropriate use of technical vocabulary during the activity, so a methodology was designed to solve these aspects, it contains didactic aspects related to soundness in language learning and the development of professional skills.
Conclusions: it was valued by specialists as adequate due to its structure and its feasibility of implementation. Its application showed to be effective for the consolidation of students´ learning which was demonstrated by a better academic performance.
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