2021, Number 2
Training as a premise to implement a quality management system
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 19-32
PDF size: 247.34 Kb.
Background: quality is an obligatory issue in the field of health due to its incidence in services to the population.Objective: to characterize the training offered on quality management issues to the workers of the Center for Immunology and Biological Products in order to improve their professional performance.
Methods: an educational research was carried out from April to December 2019 at Camagüey University of Medical Sciences. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive; empirical ones: documentary review, interview and scientific observation; and mathematical-statistics for the calculation of the absolute frequencies and percentages.
Results: the lack of knowledge on what a quality management system is and the importance of its implementation prevailed among workers, as well as the need indeed for training on the subject; The activities carried out were divided into two groups: those aimed at achieving familiarization and those designed to certify acquired knowledge; Although these activities did not always have the required assistance, they increased the level of knowledge in the workers and led to changes in their mentality and projection regarding the sense of belonging.
Conclusions: the effectiveness of the training offered to the workers of the Center for Immunology and Biological Products was characterized, which contained core aspects related to the issue of quality management. The knowledge acquired conditioned a solid base to elaborate work strategies with new objectives according to the future perspective.
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