2021, Number 2
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CorSalud 2021; 13 (2)
Hemodynamic monitoring in the Critically Ill Patient
Vitón CAA, Rego AH, Mena HVM
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 229-237
PDF size: 475.58 Kb.
Caring for the critically ill patient requires management of the cardiovascular system and balance of the internal environment. Hemodynamic monitoring is therefore necessary. With the objective of describing the physiological basis of hemodynamic follow-up and means for its determination, a search for information was
carried out in the –Scopus, SciELO, PubMed, LILACS, AmeliCA, and Redib– databases. Hemodynamic monitoring allows determining when fluid administration is
required and its therapeutic response by analyzing the Frank Starling curve. It
requires the determination of static and dynamic parameters that analyze cardiac
output and pulse pressure. These parameters are measured by invasive, minimally invasive and noninvasive methods. Pulse pressure and stroke volume variability are useful new variables in the process. Echocardiographic study of the inferior
vena cava plays an important role in the hemodynamic follow-up.
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