2021, Number 2
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CorSalud 2021; 13 (2)
Long QT syndrome in pregnant women related to oxytocin administration
Estévez RY, Domínguez SR, Padilla BTD, Pérez CD, Fernández RY, Guerra OR, Estévez RM, Martínez HL, Cabrera DMR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 195-199
PDF size: 253.83 Kb.
Introduction: Acquired long QT syndromes may be due to the use of drugs, within which oxytocin is included.
Objective: To identify electrocardiographic disturbances related to intravenous
oxytocin administration in pregnant women.
Method: A descriptive-prospective study was conducted with 57 pregnant women who underwent elective caesarean section and were given oxytocin, immediately
after fetal extraction, at the Hospital Universitario Gineco-Obstétrico Mariana Grajales in Villa Clara, Cuba, between September 2019 and January 2020.
Results: The 63.2% of the patients had a corrected QT interval < 460 milliseconds
(ms) after oxytocin administration, and 24.6% > 470 ms; in the latter, 5.3% had it
between 481-500 ms, and equal percentage > 500 ms. No patient presented suggestive symptoms or electrocardiographic demonstration of ventricular tachycardia
or other complex arrhythmias.
Conclusions: Oxytocin, given during the placental removal period, resulted in the
prolongation of the QT interval above normal values in some patients, without the
appearance of cardiovascular symptoms, QT interval dispersion or complex arrhythmias.
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