2022, Number 2
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2022; 42 (2)
Herd immunity: around COVID-19
Palacios SGC, Rivera MLG, Reyes GNL, Alonso TCA, Vázquez GJM, Solórzano SF, Rodríguez PC
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 61-70
PDF size: 466.14 Kb.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 422 million confirmed cases and more than 5.8 million deaths
around the world to date, in addition to several adverse economic and social repercussions. Shortly after the beginning
of the pandemic, the so-called herd immunity was proposed as a possibility. This concept, also known as collective
or group immunity refers to the protection of susceptible people by the immunity generated by subjects who were
infected. However, the pandemic soon shows that trying to reach herd immunity only through natural infection would
entail high costs in human lives and health, social and economic nature. By having effective vaccines against this virus,
humanity glimpsed the possibility of more rapid control of the pandemic. The possibility of achieving herd immunity
was raised again, but now through those who received an appropriate vaccination. If the proportion of the immune
population is high, either by vaccination or by natural infection, the infectious agent is less likely to be transmitted, thus
protecting the susceptible population. The number of secondary cases generated by an infectious individual when
the rest of the population is susceptible is known as the “basic reproduction number” or R
0. It is used to estimate the
herd immunity threshold defined as R
0, a parameter used in epidemiology to describe the level of herd immunity
necessary to break the chain of transmission. As the proportion of people with acquired or induced immunity exceeds
this percentage, the spread of the disease would be expected to slow and stop even after all preventive measures
have been relaxed.
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