2020, Number 4
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Rev Med UAS 2020; 10 (4)
Frequency of ototoxicity to the use of aminoglucosids in the treatment of neonatal sepsis
Ochoa-Retes JA, Martínez-Félix NS, Peraza-Garay FJ, De la Mora-Fernández AR
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 192-201
PDF size: 99.09 Kb.
Objective: To determine the frequency of ototoxicity with the use of aminoglycosides in newborns with a diagnosis of early bacterial
Material and methods: Observational, prevalence, descriptive, prospective study. All those newborns (NBs) hospitalized
in the area of neonatology that were managed with aminoglycoside-based antibiotic scheme were included because they had presented
bacterial sepsis and who subsequently underwent otoacoustic emissions (EO) to determine the frequency of hearing loss in
the period from January 1 to December 31, 2018.
Results: 162 RN were studied, of which 2 were eliminated because they did not
meet the study criteria. EO was performed and examined by pediatric otolaryngology. 18 studies were negative (they did not pass the
TA test), in total 10 were discarded in the second test and 8 referred to evoked potentials (PE). Finally, 100% rule out hearing loss or
deafness. Secondary variables were studied; the ones with the greatest impact were mechanical ventilation and prematurity; 72.2%
(95% CI 46.5, 90.3) were premature while 66.6% (41.0, 86.7) required mechanical ventilation of the total number of patients with
abnormalities in the EO.
Conclusions: The determination of cochlear and vestibular disorder by means of EOs is a non-invasive,
reliable, easy to perform method. According to our results, there was NO hearing loss in this population with this risk factor alone, so
there is no evidence against the use of aminoglycosides in the NB. It is suggested to increase the number of early or extreme premature
patients (less than 32 SDG) due to the impact of prematurity on otoneurological development. It is recommended to continue
studying the RN with FR to give better attention and improve the sensorineural quality of the pediatric patient.
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