2022, Number 43
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (43)
Personality profile and academic performance in students of physiotherapy degree
Jiménez-Armenta EE, Hernández-Roque A, Luja Ramírez LA, Peñaloza-Ochoa L
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 8-15
PDF size: 602.19 Kb.
Introduction: The influence of personality traits on the
academic performance of students has been studied,
however the results of the various investigations are not
Objective: To describe the personality profile and academic
performance of the first semester´s students of the
Physiotherapy Degree of the UNAM Faculty of Medicine.
Method: Analytical cross-sectional study of 271 students
of physiotherapy. Year of admission, sex, age, type of
income, high school final grades, personality profile and
final first semester grades, were the variables studied. The
information was obtained from the Comprehensive School
Administration System, Physiotherapy Coordination.
Results: 71.2% of the sample were women. The age range
was from 19 to 29 years old. There were no differences
between the high school final grades versus the first
semester grades, or the personality profile by sex versus
personality profile, either the final first semester grades.
Conclusions: physiotherapy students obtain a suitable
academic performance (8.5 to 10). A profile with adequate
characteristics (enthusiastic, creative, with apparent
psychological adaptation) was obtained and there is no
association between the personality profile and academic
performance in the first semester
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