2021, Number 2
Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para la educación en el trabajo, asignatura Rehabilitación Estomatológica
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Introduction: The emergence of digitalization and new electronic supports have brought about new ways of presenting and storing the information.Objective: To characterize the use of communication and information technologies for on-the-job education in Dentistry Rehabilitation subject.
Method: A qualitative and quantitative research was conducted in medical education of Dentistry Rehabilitation subject at Alcides Pino Bermúdez Teaching Polyclinic, from September 2016 to March 2017. The intentional non-probabilistic sample was composed by 30 students and 12 professors. Theoretical methods were used, such as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and historical-logical. Documentary analysis and questionnaires were used as empiric methods. The information was statistically processed and the results were showed in charts using per cent and absolute values.
Results: The results showed that 83.3 % of the professors and students had cell phones, 83.3% of the students had English dictionaries and 83.4% of the professors had softwares of their subject. 80% of the students considered these teaching aids to be highly useful and 43.3% of them showed excellent skills. 100% of the professors considered that these technologies favor science communication and 83.3% of the students reported that these technologies enhance observation.
Conclusions: Mobile phone was the most available resource that students and professors had. The student’s skills were excellent and the professor’s abilities were very good. The usefulness of technologies showed a high level.
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