2022, Number Esp
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Sal Jal 2022; 9 (Esp)
Lactancia materna, bioética y derechos humanos
Ramos-Zúñiga R, Rojas-Valdivia PJ, Godínez-Jiménez RP
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 81-85
PDF size: 176.34 Kb.
Breastfeeding represents one of the strongest bonds that
strengthen the mother-infant binomial in biological,
aff ective and social terms, based on the genetic and
epigenetic relationship. The social determinants of
health and the consideration of the moral determinants
of health synergistically balance the proven benefits
of breastfeeding with human rights and its bioethical
implications. This is possible by achieving a balance
between breastfeeding as a healthy style for the motherinfant
binomial, and the infant’s right to life and health,
within a framework of respect for the mother’s autonomy
and choice in specific cultural and socio-occupational
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