2022, Number Esp
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Sal Jal 2022; 9 (Esp)
Breve reseña de la defensa y rescate de la lactancia materna
Durón-Segovia MJ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 75-80
PDF size: 181.07 Kb.
This text summarizes the importance of breastfeeding
as nutrition and the right of children from birth.
Breastfeeding is a very important indicator of maternal
and child health and the factors that contribute to
low rates of breastfeeding are discussed, as well as the
intervention of marketing in the process. Some efforts
have been made to reduce this influence of the industry
given the fatal consequences in the marketing of its
products, however, it has clearly not been enough. The
relevance of the Code of Marketing of Breast Milk
Substitutes and its scope is mentioned. It talks about
the actions that contribute to the promotion and
strengthening of breastfeeding.
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