2021, Number 2
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Acta Med Cent 2021; 15 (2)
Lepra histioide. Informe de caso
Martín PY, Betancourt PA, Pérez FD
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 322-327
PDF size: 548.09 Kb.
Introduction: histioid leprosy is a form of multibacillary leprosy with a low frequency of observation. Patients with histioid leprosy have a high bacillary load and may represent a potential reservoir of infection in the community.
Case report: a patient came to the Dermatology Clinic with multiple nodular skin lesions; the diagnosis was histioid leprosy.
Conclusions: the interesting aspect of this case is that the skin lesions are shown in this rare form of the disease, as well as the importance of early diagnosis and timely treatment to avoid patient disability and because it is a source of transmission of the disease.
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