2021, Number 2
Plan de acción sobre la importancia de la conservación de los dientes temporales
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 288-296
PDF size: 371.51 Kb.
Introduction: the loss of any of the primary teeth results in morphological and functional alterations in the growth and development of the jaws.Objective: to design an action plan on the premature loss of primary teeth aimed at children from five to 10 years old of the “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” Semi-internship, in the Municipality of Sagua la Grande, during the period from September 2014 to June 2015.
Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was carried out. The study population consisted of 127 children of both sexes, a figure that coincides with the sample. Various methods and techniques were used to collect information, such as oral examination, interview, focus group and questionnaire.
Results: the age of the most frequent early loss of primary teeth was seven years due to dental caries, followed by trauma in the lower left arch, and the most affected tooth was the second molar. The children have a moderately adequate level of information. The action plan has 13 actions aimed at preventing premature loss of primary teeth and the specialists considered it pertinent and feasible.
Conclusions: it is necessary to look for more effective methods of health education in order to achieve success in the educational work with children in this type of education, for which the use of key tools such as dialogic and persuasive communication, creativity and participative affective techniques expressed in a previously organized and planned plan of action is indispensable.
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