2021, Number 2
Resistencia antimicrobiana de cepas de Shigella aisladas en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario ''José Luis Miranda''
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 270-279
PDF size: 457.73 Kb.
Introduction: Bacillary dysentery was described in the Ebers papyri 2000 years before our era by Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, in the 5th century. It is one of the most important causes of medical care in the presence of unfavorable hygienic conditions.Objective: to characterize the antimicrobial resistance of Shigella strains isolated in children attended at the University Pediatric Hospital “José Luis Miranda” in the period from January to December 2018.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was performed. The 25 Shigella strains selected by non-probabilistic purposive sampling were used for the investigation. Descriptive statistical methods were used. The ethical norms established in the context and the bioethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice were taken into account.
Results: the most representative serogroup in the sample was Shigella sonnei, with 19 strains, for 76% of the total number of isolates in the year. 84% of the strains were Shigella sonnei. Eighty-four percent of the strains were resistant to nalidixic acid. It was found that 16% of the isolated strains were resistant to three or more antibiotics, therefore, they were considered multidrug resistant.
Conclusions: ciprofloxacin was sensitive to all the strains under study. Multidrug resistance was found in a small, although not ligible, percentage of the samples, which highlights the need to maintain active surveillance of this health problem.
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