2021, Number 2
''Acta Médica del Centro'': análisis bibliométrico de la literatura científica publicada en el período comprendido entre 2007 y 2019
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 163-175
PDF size: 697.94 Kb.
Introduction: bibliometrics is a means of situating the production of a country in relation to the world, an institution in relation to their country and scientists in relation to their own communities.Objective: analyze the scientific production contained in the journal “Acta Médica del Centro” in the period 2007-2019, through bibliometric indicators.
Methods: the application of metric techniques led to obtaining data from a quantitative point of view on the production of the magazine in all the years it was published. The following were determined as indicators: productivity by years, authors, articles produced / cited, percentage of inbreeding, occasional or transitory authors, transience index, distribution of authors according to their productivity, most cited authors, h- index, producing institutions, typology of articles and keywords.
Results: 2011 was the most productive year and 2014 was the most cited. The author with the highest productivity index was Dr. Luis Alberto Santos Pérez. 346 transitory authors were found for a transitory index of 67%. 95% of the authors have published between 1 and 4 articles in the journal. 34% were original works.
Conclusions: the journal kept oscillating the number of works published per year. There is no presence of editorial inbreeding. The visibility of the journal's scientific production is 32% and the authors' h-index is very low. Scientific production is mainly centered on authors from the “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Clinical-Surgical Hospital, which is why institutional inbreeding is observed.
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