2021, Number 2
Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and urogenital mycoplasmas in patients with cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction: Cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease contribute to high morbidity in the female population, particularly in fertile and active working age women. Both entities can be caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and urogenital mycoplasmas.Objective: To identify the frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis and urogenital mycoplasmas, as well as the association with other microorganisms in cervicovaginal samples from patients with cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease, treated at Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from May to October 2018.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 190 women. The studied population had cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with positive cervicovaginal samples for Chlamydia trachomatis and urogenital mycoplasmas, who were treated at Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso. General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from May to October 2018. The data was processed through the SPSS system, summary measures, such as absolute frequency and percentage, were used.
Results: Chlamydia trachomatis, frequently associated with urogenital mycoplasmas, predominated. Other microorganisms such as Candida spp, Trichomona vaginalis and causative agents of bacterial vaginosis such as Gardnerella vaginalis were identified. Vaginal secretions predominated among the symptoms, whose characteristics did not always correspond to the microorganisms present in them.
Conclusions: The high frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis and urogenital mycoplasmas in females with cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, of fertile and active working age women with generally unprotected sexual relations, justifies the need for an early microbiological diagnosis of these infections.
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