2021, Number 2
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Rev Acta Médica 2021; 22 (2)
Evaluation of therapeutic adherence in elderly asthmatic patients
Ginard CA, Ceballos RE, Báez LJM, Figueroa GI, Estruch FIM
Language: Spanish
References: 39
PDF size: 1244.87 Kb.
Introduction: Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the
airways, various cells and mediators of inflammation intervene in its
pathogenesis. Most of the elderly do not comply with the indicated treatment
and non-adherence to prescribed medication is a major cause of asthma, which
is difficult to treat.
Objective: To assess the therapeutic adherence in the asthmatic elderly from
the Allergology Service at “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Surgical Clinical Hospital,
from October 2018 to December 2019, as well as to identify the non-adherence
factors to establish action plans aimed at increasing compliance with the
prescriptions, adequate control of the condition and better quality of life in
these patients.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in 62 patients
characterized according to demographic and clinical variables. Morinsky-Green
Levine test was used to determine therapeutic adherence. Factors associated
with non-adherence were analyzed; the use of the inhalation technique and the
association between therapeutic adherence and inhalation technique, asthma
control and exacerbations were evaluated. For statistical processing, summary
measures were applied for qualitative and quantitative variables and tests of
association Chi square of independence and Bartholomew's Chi square.
Results: Female sex (96.8%), non-smokers (62.9%), comorbidities such as
hypertension (79%) and ischemic heart disease (45.2%) predominated; the mean
duration of the disease was 40.6 years; 53.2% of the patients were partially
controlled; 59.7% are not adherent to the treatment; 75.8% showed incorrect
inhalation technique; and we observed a possible statistically significant association between therapeutic adherence and inhalation technique, asthma
control and exacerbations.
Conclusions: Most of the asthmatic elderly studied are not well-adherent to
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