2019, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2019; 14 (1)
Neuroethics: Assumptions through publications in the field
Rodríguez-Suárez N
Language: Spanish
References: 128
Page: 161-181
PDF size: 462.96 Kb.
Technoscience advance has allowed important progress in brain knowledge brain, accompanied by challenges
from brain evaluation and intervention. These challenges are addressed, in part, by a new knowledge: Neuroethics,
currently relevant and visible through scientific publications. Therefore the aim of this article is to
describe assumptions through the publications in Neuroethics, in 4 years. The methodology used involved databases
revision and search engines of scientific journals in different knowledge areas. The keyword used was
“Neuroethics”. The general view suggests a braincentered perception of neuroscience and a atomizing tendency
for overspecify and subdivide the field.
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