2019, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2019; 14 (1)
Beyond (more here) of the Principialistas arguments in the bioethics Committees
Etxeberria MX
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 128-143
PDF size: 354.50 Kb.
This text departs from a synthetic description of the goals proclaimed by Bioethical Commitees and the dynamics
they promote. That reality is analyzed and, from that analysis, the text assesses that those goals and
dynamics are not only partial referring to the ethical sphere they touch, but also that they can simplify end
impoverish it. According to that position, a proposal of including new purposes and dynamics linked to key
ethical categories like care relation, emotions, virtues and identity, is offered. This proposal tries not to replace
the current goals, but to articulate them with these other ethical categories.
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