2021, Number 280
Historical writers university’s extension, paper in the formation of students and the society
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-8
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Introduction: the university extension had as antecedent the sociopolitical general phenomenon that accompanied to the birth of the theoretical concept of cultural extension in the last years of the century eighteen. Objective: to describe the historical evolution of the university extension and the paper in the formation of students of medical sciences and the society. Method: it was carried out a historical investigation using empiric methods: 18 references consulted through the scielo and redalyc databases. Methods of the theoretical level: analytic - synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical-chronological. Development: it was Simon Rodriguez who began to use the concept of cultural extension. But it didn't go until the Reformation of Cordoba in 1918 that for the first time was used in Latin America the term extension cultural university student. In the medical sciences it was characterized by a constant search of the sociocultural commitment, showing in programs and academic, scientific, investigative, sport, artistic and recreational projects. In 1949 it is assumed that the University is an institution to the service of the community whose action being of educational and cultural social character. Conclusions: the Reformation of Cordoba symbolized the genesis of a dynamic movement toward the new university becomer and committed with its social reality. The university extension was translated to the will of forming professionals of the health able to face any social system of the world; and of creating a committed University with the community life.REFERENCES
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