2021, Number 280
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16 de abril 2021; 60 (280)
Obstetrics: Dawn and evolution
Zayas FE, Tome DPA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 274.51 Kb.
Introduction: Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that deals with women throughout their fertile period. Its genesis goes back
to the same origin of homo sapiens. The evolution of this medical discipline throughout history has been coupled with the progress
of society, being influenced by dissimilar factors.
Objective: To describe the dawn and evolution of Obstetrics.
Material and
methods: 20 bibliographies were reviewed, including articles from scientific journals such as PubMed and Scielo as reference
guides. The search strategies was history of medicine AND reproductive history AND obstetrics.
Development: The first steps in
this art were also taken in remote times of prehistory and transmitted from generation to generation, as a good thing to do for
the other and the species.
Conclusions: The technical progress achieved has emphatically impacted Obstetrics, while an increasingly
better informed and more educated society requires greater autonomy in decision-making when selecting the birth route.
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