2021, Number 280
Educational Flipchart about oral myotherapy on patients with neuromuscular disorder
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 559.78 Kb.
Introduction: oral myotherapy is the group of muscular exercises that can help in the orthodontic treatment. It uses the chewing and facial muscles´ natural forces, by which malformations in soft tissues are corrected. Objective: to create a flipchart that shows oral myotherapy to patients with neuromuscular disorder. Methods:v a study of technological innovation was conducted in the Orthodontics practice of the Provincial Teaching Dentistry Clinic “Mártires del Moncada” in Santiago de Cuba, during the period from January to September, 2020. A flipchart was designed to show oral myotherapy exercises to patients with neuromuscular disorder. An assessment study was conducted to validate this material, working with 10 children with neuromuscular disorder. Results: the use of the educational flipchart improved the effectiveness of oral myotherapy in the 100% of the patients studied with neuromuscular disorder. Conclusions: the flipchart became an easy-to-understand guide. It made children learn correctly the exercises of oral myotherapy and achieve changes in the results obtained.REFERENCES
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