2021, Number 280
Foldable for teaching the effects of toxic substance use in pregnant women
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 949.99 Kb.
Introduction: pregnant women constitute a population group of high priority in Cuba. Therefore, it is necessary for this population group to know the effects of the intake of drugs and toxic substances in order to avoid these habits in pregnant women. Objective: to make a brochure that exposes the effects of the consumption of drugs and toxic substances on the health of pregnant women. Method: a study of technological innovation was carried out, for the preparation of a brochure that discloses the effects of the consumption of drugs and toxic substances in pregnant women; in the period from November to December 2020, in the Faculty of Stomatology, of the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba; whose validation was carried out by 15 specialists in Comprehensive General Medicine and Pharmacology. The verification of this study was carried out at the Hospital Materno Sur "Mariana Grajales". Results: Once the foldable was applied, 95 % of the pregnant women increased their knowledge on the subject in question. In addition, 98.33 % of them reported having felt motivated when using this teaching medium. 100 % of the specialists considered that the folding has a total practical utility. Conclusions: The brochure "Effects of drug and toxic substance use in pregnant women" was drawn up. After having been applied to pregnant women, it was observed that their knowledge on the subject in question increased.REFERENCES
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