2021, Number 1
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RSS 2021; 27 (1)
Procedural tools against gender-based violence in Cuba
Pérez GI
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 69-80
PDF size: 380.32 Kb.
The conference was given during the Journey Against Gender Violence and on favor
of Human Rights with the aim of deepening, as its title points out, the principles,
norms and categories that guarantee the judicial process in cases of lawsuits for
gender violence. The author attaches particular importance to a set of root
principles in confronting violence such as interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and
transdisciplinary treatment; the right to defense, the best interests of the child,
non-revictimization and others, which allow us to scrutinize the possibilities that the
existing legislation offers for the achievement of an administration of justice:
humane, effective and truly fair. It identifies some challenges, among them there
are: sensitization and training on gender issues and violence prevention; tracing a
critical path to where to go, how to achieve protection; the evolutionary
interpretation of the norms; the observance of principles such as nonrevictimization,
the best interests of the child, vulnerability, a gender perspective,
the protection of the elderly or others, as principles that mainstream all
administration of justice.
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