2021, Number 1
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RSS 2021; 27 (1)
Sexual desire at a pandemic period in heterosexual couples that do not live together
Uribe-Serrano DA, Méndez-Vargas OS
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 17-35
PDF size: 459.14 Kb.
Introduction. In Colombia in the year 2020, there is a period of isolation derived from
Objective. To determine if there is a difference between men and women in the
levels of dyadic sexual desire towards the partner, dyadic sexual desire towards an
attractive person, and sexual desire in solitary.
Methodology. The present research is of a
descriptive correlational type, based on a quantitative methodology by means of a nonprobabilistic
sampling by convenience of a sample of 135 participants, 44 men and 91
women between 18 and 29 years old heterosexuals who have a sexual partner. In addition,
a sociodemographic scale, the Kinsey scale and the inventory of sexual desire validated in
Colombia were used; for the analysis of the results the Excel program, SPSS V.22 and the
statistic analysis of the student's t-test were used.
Results. According to the results it was
found that there are greater sexual desires in men than in women with respect to their
mean, as well as that dyadic sexual desire as a couple is more prevalent in both sexes,
followed by dyadic sexual desire towards an attractive person is the least prevalent for
women; and for men, sexual desire in solitary.
Conclusions. Finally, according to the
results obtained and to theory, there is evidence of a higher index in the three levels of
sexual desire in men compared to women, which corroborates the theory, and that it has
not been affected by the isolation derived from Covid-19.
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