2022, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2022; 29 (3)
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Delayed Diagnosis: Case Report
Sosa-Hernández Ó, García-Padilla E, Avella-Gutiérrez GJ, López-Flores VJ, Martínez-Ramírez ZY
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 191-195
PDF size: 249.36 Kb.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease
caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
which is transmitted from person to
person through the airborne route. A
case of a nineteen-year-old female patient
is presented, who began to suffer from
an intermittent cough during the last
week of November 2020; in December
2020, she visited a private physician and
was treated with Ambroxol, but did not
improve. The patient was admitted at the
Pneumology Service and a consultation
was made with Epidemiology; after the
evaluation of the case, it was determined
that she met the operational definition
of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis,
which was confirmed through a smear
test for acid-alcohol resistant fast bacilli
(AARB), and then a strictly supervised
short-course treatment (SST) was started.
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