2022, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2022; 29 (3)
Prevalence of Depression in Elderly People Enrolled in a Social Health Care Program
Tavera-Vilchis MA, Blanco-Trejo W
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 186-190
PDF size: 124.98 Kb.
Objective: to determine the prevalence of
depression using the Yesavage scale in elderly
people enrolled in the Social Health
Care Program (SHCP) of the Mexican Institute
of Social Security (IMSS).
cross-sectional study, non-probabilistic
sampling by convenience, 280 adults
over 60 years of age enrolled in the Social
Health Care Program of the Family Medicine
Unit No. 61 of the Mexican Institute
of Social Security in the State of Mexico
participated during September 2020. The
participants were enrolled in the program
and they regularly attended educational
sessions. Surveys were conducted based on
the 15-item Yesavage geriatric depression
scale and sociodemographic data were collected.
The prevalence of depression was
described using proportions and means.
Results: data from 212 women (75.71%)
and 68 men (24.28%) were evaluated,
with an average age of 68.25 years, the
most frequent age group was 65 to 70
years, a low level of schooling was found
in 74.3%; a prevalence of depression of
5% was determined, of which 71% was
female and 29% male; all participants
presented mild depression.
a low prevalence of depression was
identified in the patients enrolled in the
program. It is recommended to implement
more studies to know the beneficial
potential of health support programs in
the prevention, treatment, and reduction
of diseases in elderly people.
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