2022, Number 2
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Sal Jal 2022; 9 (2)
Salud mental, estrés psicosocial y satisfacción laboral en trabajadores de una unidad de atención en salud mental pública
Aldana-López JA, Durán-Gutiérrez RA, Medina-Dávalos R
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 77-83
PDF size: 234.06 Kb.
Introduction: Health workers are more vulnerable
to experiencing negative emotions, particularly
those in mental health areas, due to high complexity
relationships between doctor-patient, among other
Objective: To evaluate mental health,
psychosocial stress and job satisfaction, in public
mental health hospital workers.
Method: With a
universe of 411 employees, a random sample of
106 ad hoc surveys, where sociodemographic and
work variables, with Goldberg’s General Health
Questionnaire (GHQ-28), Social Readjustment Rating
Scale (SRRS), and a Job Satisfaction Questionnaire
for Administration and Services Staff, were included.
Results: 57% were women; 39.05% corresponded to the
nursing area, followed by psychiatry and psychology.
20.75% of employees had psychological distress using
the GHQ-29, being more intense in male psychiatrists.
The most frequent psychosocial stress live-event in
SRRS was “major job changes” with a prevalence of
44%. Limited time contract staff presented 4.4 times
more risk of psychosocial stress than those with a baseplant
Discussion and conclusion: This is the
first study in the region to show the factors that affect
mental health, psychosocial stress, and job satisfaction
perception in mental health workers, highlighting years
worked, sex and the type of employment contract.
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