2021, Number 1
Proposal of modifications to the treatment of Childcare content in Plan ''D'' of Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: the university of medical sciences must form with quality and social pertinence to the professional future but, still exist insufficiencies in the realization of the consultation of puericulture for the students of year sixth of the medicine career.Objective: valuing the treatment of the puericulture content in the curriculum “D” of the medicine career.
Material and method: carried out a study of investigation of pedagogic cut, become a rector for the materialistic method dialectician, with the employment of empiric and theoretical methods ( documentary analysis, induction-deduction and historical-logical ). It made a critical analysis to the programs of the courses of general medicine integral of the curriculum “D” of medicine, the methodological orientations as well as the program of pediatrics, and a bibliographical revision in the Scielo and Pubmed databases.
Results: the puericulture content is approached only in the pediatrics course as independent study, not evaluates in practical examination end nor it conceives for a work of partial control; the card of single skills outlines skills of the secondary attention. In the courses of MGI they are approached in an indirect way thematic related with the puericulture in the first and second years. In year not develops this topic. Proposed modifications for the treatment of this content.
Conclusions: the planned boarding does not guarantee the acquisition of sufficient skills. Conceiving modifications as for the treatment of this themes it could contribute to enrich the development of theoretical-practical skills in the students for your acting as medical integral general datas.
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