2021, Number 1
Survival of patients with non-small cells lung cancer in advanced stages. Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: non-small cell lung cancer in advanced stages shows a high incidence and mortality. The treatments used against it are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, directed therapies and immunotherapy. It is better to perform the treatments in the context of clinical trials. It has a precarious survival at the fifth year after diagnosis.Objective: to determine the global survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer in advanced stages.
Materials and methods: descriptive, retrospective study in patients with cyto-histological diagnosis of non-small lung cancer in advanced stages. A sample of 348 patients was formed from the universe of 463 patients who attended the Provincial Service of Oncology in the period from January 2013 to December 2016. The studied variables were taken from the clinical records and the national database of deceased due to lung cancer.
Results: most of patients were diagnosed at the stage IV (71.69 %); the most used treatment modality was chemotherapy (61.2). The most used drugs were platinum salts in 78.73 %. The global survival at the IV stage was 1.23 at five years. The treatment modality of greater survival was immunotherapy, with 3.33 % and the global survival was 2 %.
Conclusions: the disease’s stage IV predominated. The platinum salts-based chemotherapy as the first line treatment scheme and immunotherapy as treatment modality provided higher global survival, although it was precarious.
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