2021, Number 1
Risk factors of cervical cancer in adolescents of the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: cervical cancer is a health problem for the humankind. The study of its risk factors stands as a priority for the Cuban health system.Objective: to know the behavior of cervical cancer risk factors in students of the studies of Hygiene-Epidemiology-Vector Surveillance and Control of the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and methods: retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive research inserted into the Branch Program of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases. It dealt with the universe of 50 students of the studies of Hygiene-Epidemiology-Vectorial Surveillance and Control of the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences.
Results: in relation to the age of beginning to have sexual relationships, it was observed the predominance of the age of 14 years. The presence of multiple sexual partners, unprotected intercourse, use of contraceptive tablets, smoking habit, gynecological manipulations, and sexually transmitted infections are other risk factors found. Special significance had the existence of multiple sexual partners and the use of contraceptive tables. Among the motivations leading to early beginning to have sexual relationships, experiencing new sensations with 28 % and seeking for pleasure with the couple with 55 % stood out. 92 % did not know the disease’s risk factors.
Conclusions: the students presented pronounced magnitude risk factors of suffering cervical cancer.
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