2022, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2022; 21 (3)
Food security and job position in the pandemic context of COVID-19 in Mexico
Fierro ME, Lozano KD
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 227.95 Kb.
Introduction: Food security is a fundamental aspect of the development of individuals, households and societies. However, it
is a multidimensional concept among which the employment position determines the financial resources that a person, family
or household has to face food insecurity.
Objective: To identify, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effects that
the job position of the head of the household had on the food security of households in Mexico.
Material and method:
Descriptive and cross-sectional study, based on data from the National Survey of Health and Nutrition Continuous COVID-19.
Using ordinal logistic regressions, the effect of the job position of the head of the household on food insecurity was estimated,
adjusting for characteristics of the head of the household such as gender, education or if he or she is elderly, as well as
household characteristics such as household size, locality and region of the country.
Results: Households whose head was
working as a worker, day laborer or laborer are more likely to experience food insecurity than households with a head who
works as a boss. or employer.
Conclusions: The development of policies focused on attention to food security in sectors of
the population that are socially vulnerable such as workers, day laborers or peons is essential.
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