2020, Number 5
Scientific research and production of Nursing professors in the municipality of Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: the redaction of a scientific text is a complex process in search of new knowledge that should be spread within scientific community through its publication.Objective: to characterize scientific research and production of Nursing professors in the municipality if Cardenas.
Materials and method: a cross-sectional, descriptive research was carried out. The universe was 18 full-time professors of Nursing in the period January 2014-December 2018, working with the total of them. The studied variables were: scientific level and/or academic title; teaching category; research; scientific production. Data were collected from the database of the teaching department, the teaching files of the Cadre Department and updated curriculums of the professors.
Results: the number of Masters of Sciences predominated with 61.1 %. 88.9 % of the professors had the main category of Assistant. More teaching experience showed the professors grouped in the 21-30 years of experience group with 6 professors. Over the last five years, 2.7 research and 1.1 publications were carried out per professor.
Conclusions: the highest number of professors had the academic title of Masters of Sciences and teaching category of Assistants; it was found an average time ranging from 21 to 30 years experience in teaching among the professors; data evidenced that research and scientific production of the professors of Nursing is insufficient.
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