2020, Number 4
Giant cyst of ovary
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Through the history those tumors weighting more than 12 kg have been described as great size tumors, among them the gynecological and the ovarian ones, especially before the appearance of the ultrasonography, and among populations of bad socio-economic situation and low cultural level, like in the countries of the African continent. The authors presented the case of a giant ovarian cyst in a patient aged 45 years, who assisted in the Service of General Surgery of the Municipal Hospital of Bocolo, province of Benguela, Republic of Angola, in 1915. She arrived to the consultation due to an increase of the abdominal size of several years of evolution. By ultrasonography because there was no other mean of imaging diagnosis, the diagnosis was an ovary-dependent cystic mass. Using laparoscopy it was confirmed the presence of a giant cystic tumor of the ovary of 20 kg weight. This disease is few frequent nowadays due to the development of Surgery and diagnostic means allowing a precocious detection. The subsequent anatomopathologic study informed a serous cystadenoma of the left ovary. The patient had a satisfactory evolution. The case was considered interesting given its infrequency, the scarce existence of reports of cases like this in the literature, especially in Cuba, contributing with knowledge for the medical community.REFERENCES
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