2022, Number 2
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2022; 20 (2)
Tattoo related granulomatous reaction simulating sarcoidosis: A frequent adverse side effect
Carabes CDL, Navarrete-Solís J, Espinoza GNA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 197-200
PDF size: 351.21 Kb.
The application of tattoos, although it is a common and relatively
innocuous practice, it is not exempt from complications.
The complications by tattoo can be acute or chronic. They include
infections, allergy, scarring, pigment migration, local granulomatous
reactions and systemic inflammatory processes. The
complications by tattoo are not predictable, in many cases are
related to the components of the pigment and the response
of the host’s immune system. This article presents the case of
a female patient with a history of cosmetic tattoo application
on eyebrows and lips 15 years ago, who presented as a chronic
complication a disseminated granulomatous reaction.
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