2022, Number 2
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2022; 20 (2)
Permanent taxane-induced alopecia: A case report and review
Ruiz GD, Briseño GG, Leal OSE
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 185-190
PDF size: 601.63 Kb.
Alopecia secondary to chemotherapy is a common adverse effect
in cancer patients. It’s usually reversible, however, there
is an increase in reports of permanent alopecia, especially in
breast cancer patients receiving taxane therapy. The pathophysiology
is not well defined, but the findings are similar to
those found in androgenetic alopecia. We present the case of
a 47 years old female patient diagnosed with breast cancer that
presents with permanent alopecia secondary to paclitaxel and a
review of the literature.
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