2022, Number 2
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2022; 20 (2)
Scarring alopecia due to Brunsting-Perry pemphigoid: Case report and literature review
Barrón HYL, Lammoglia OL, Toussaint CS, Carreño VPN, Guevara DJA, Soto AMV
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 181-184
PDF size: 323.64 Kb.
Brunsting-Perry Pemphigoid (BPP) is a chronic, scarring, subepidermal
blistering disease limited to the head, face, neck, and
upper trunk without mucosal involvement. Here, we describe
a case of scarring alopecia with dermoscopic and immunofluorescence
findings of primary cicatricial alopecia as the first
manifestation of BPP in a 60-year-old woman. There are few
reported cases with just scalp involvement. Our case shows the
need to suspect the diagnosis in erosive and scarring lesions on
the scalp and the importance to choose the best biopsy site to
achieve the correct diagnosis.
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