2021, Number 2
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Rev Med UAS 2021; 11 (2)
Results of disinsertion of the pes anserine as treatment for anserine bursitis
Sandoval-Franco DA, Duran-Arce AE, Lora-Fierro EH, Duran-Carranza J
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 160-169
PDF size: 85.87 Kb.
One of the most common cases that is seen in the consulting room in the field of Traumatology and orthopedics is the pes anserine
bursitis. More frequently in older adults, even more in women, with a lifestyle of sedentary. Also related to diabetes mellitus and obesity,
even though it can be a found in people with a more active lifestyle. It causes a great impact in a socioeconomic way as the
pain can limit the daily activity of the patient. Most of the cases can me treat with conservative measures with a high rate of success,
but as every illness has its difficult patients where a more specialize treatment has to be done. One of the most recent treatments in
study that we have is the disinsertion of the muscles of the pes anserine, which had had satisfactory results in most of the patients.
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