2020, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2020; 17 (3)
Estrategia de intervención psicoeducativa para familiares de pacientes con trastornos esquizofrénicos
Rodríguez VF, Castillo TD, Leyva ORM, Del Río PM, Herrera CA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
PDF size: 352.27 Kb.
Introduction: Schizophrenic disorders have a significant impact on social, family, personal and work spheres. Patients’ reintegration into society and the improvement of their quality of life have been affected by different causes.
Objective: Apply a socio-educational intervention strategy to relatives of patients with schizophrenic disorders.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study without control group was carried on 30 relatives of patients with schizophrenic disorders at Comandante Gustavo Machín Provincial Psychiatric Hospital, from April to December 2018. A questionnaire was applied, and a database was created with the SPSS statistical program. The observed frequency and percentage were used, as well as the McNemar Test.
Results: Relatives’ level of knowledge about schizophrenic disorder before the educational intervention was inadequate in 97%.After the intervention it was adequate in 89, 2%. Before the educational intervention 90% of them had high emotional expression, and after it, 44, 8% lowered their emotional expression. Adherence before the intervention was 13,7%, and after it was 48,2%. After the educational intervention, 17 patients (58,6%) were reintegrated into society.
Conclusions: The socio-educational intervention carried out on the caregivers of patients with schizophrenic disorders improved their level of knowledge, as well as patients’ social reintegration, so it can be considered as one more alternative in the treatment of mental disorders.
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