2020, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2020; 15 (1)
Heritable Genome Editing: An Exploratory Study from the Bioethical Principle of Beneficence
Caro-Romero HD
Language: Spanish
References: 35
PDF size: 201.26 Kb.
Purpose/Context. This article seeks to understand the meaning that the possibility
of making genetic changes in human beings before birth would have for a
group of individuals residing in Bogotá. The study focuses on the application of
the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technique from the perspective of the bioethical
principle of beneficence, i.e., to do the greatest good possible.
Method/Approach. First, the CRISPR-Cas9 technique and the bioethical principle
of beneficence are theoretically reviewed. Then, international regulatory
documents on genome editing are examined. Based on this, a video-based survey
is administered to find out the hypothetical decision that a group of lay professionals
would make on bioethical issues compared to a group of university
students who have received bioethical training.
Results/Findings. Genome editing intended for prevention or therapy was
approved by both groups, although with differences. Genome improvement
was generally rejected for being immoral. However, both groups were open to
accepting it but only as genome preparation for future generations due to the
effects of climate change.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The bioethical principle of beneficence
is insightful as it suggests both the private and common good. Moral reservations
over heritable genome editing are also corroborated.
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