2021, Number 1
Homeopathic prophylaxis in times of coronavirus
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-11
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Introduction: the spread of epidemics has been frequent in the history of mankind. Since December 2019, in the People's Republic of China, with the emergence of the Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) - known worldwide as COVID-19, this epidemic has caused an unprecedented global impact associated with a high number of deaths.Development: legends and curious data on the use of homeopathic therapeutics in Cuba come to light. In 1992, the Ministry of Public Health authorized the diffusion of Homeopathy in Cuba, Juan Artiga group was created, and in 1993, the first Homeopathic Medical Service was opened and Homeopathy was retaken as a modality within the Natural and Traditional Medicine. In 1999, the II Cuban Congress of Homeopathy was held at Frank Pais Hospital Convention Center, and in 2003 the III Congress was held. However, the most novel in our view, is referred to how despite having this science ancient origins, nowadays it stands out as a measure to prevent viral respiratory diseases.
Conclusions: homeopathy, trying to bring the patient to that state of physical, social and psychological well-being, which is indefinable and unconscious. Homeopathic prophylaxis in Cuba has set high the principles of Community Medicine and once again demonstrates the broad vision of a Cuban socialist healthcare system.
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