2021, Number 1
Methodology to develop the clinical-radiographic teaching activity of the dentistry major
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-11
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Introduction: the clinical-radiographic activity comprises tasks of prevention, prediction, teaching, assistance and management where the relationship of different assistance and university rules and regulations is established; reaching a comprehensive level within the teaching-learning process in Higher Education.Objective: to design a methodology to develop the teaching-learning activity of clinical-radiographic for the discipline of Comprehensive General Dentistry in Dentistry major.
Methods: a qualitative research was carried out to achieve the design of a methodology to develop the teaching activity: clinical-radiographic of the Dentistry major, starting from the established standards and guiding documents for the Higher Education of Medical Sciences, with the improved Plan D of the Dentistry major, as well as the needs of professors and students of the territory.
Results: the guiding documents of the process were studied, methodological workshops completed with the main professors of the subjects that integrate the Comprehensive Dentistry Governing Discipline, and a guide was designed to regulate the invariant aspects that must be implemented in a teaching activity of clinic-radiography, starting from the characteristics of the syllabus of the Dentistry major and the needs of the territory.
Conclusions: a methodology was designed to develop in-service education as a teaching activity, in the modality: clinical-radiographic for the guiding discipline of the Dentistry major.
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